Monday, March 29, 2010

Second Release

Here is the next chapter of Only You!

OnlyYou_v03c009 (File Factory)

Comments, suggestions, complaints, and so on, are always welcome.

Important: If you can understand written Japanese (with furigana), and if you would be willing to proofread my translations, please send an e-mail to snuffkinscans[at] or leave a comment here.


  1. Thanks so much for picking up this project. I was so sad when the other groups dropped this one and I don't understand a thing or two about Korean lol. *** hugs ****

  2. Thank you so much! I love this manga and was hoping someone picked it up! Unfortunately I don’t understand Japanese. But if you want I could help you edit the raws. My email address is

  3. wohooo i have been waiting for someone to pick up this project. thank you so much guys. muach muachhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  4. any idea where I can get ch 7?

  5. To foreverfree123: Thank you for your offer. :oD At the moment, I think I can handle any necessary editing alone, but I'll e-mail you if I change my mind.

    To Anonymous: Chapter 7 was scanlated by Romance Alley, so if you know where to find their official releases (website/IRC/...), try there first. Otherwise, you can find it on MangaFox.

  6. reason why I asked was because I couldn't find their site but thx for reminding me of mangafox and for taking up this manga, can't wait for next ch.

  7. Hello there, I wanted to thank you guys for picking up this project! I remember reading the first chapters long ago, thought they were nice but not much more. Today I saw the updates on Mangafox, re-read everything plus the new chapters and I'm really, really enjoying this two years later plot twist! I'm looking forward for more!

  8. Thank you so much!!!!!! I was so happy to find out that someone took this project again!!! *-*!!!

    Keep up the great work!! =)

  9. Please continue this project... just found this manga and love it! We can,t leave a suicide attempt cliffhanger!
